A Buy It Now price of $199 was posted, with a Make an Offer option. I offered $144 and the price was accepted. For $9 shipping, I'm getting these four cashmere sweaters at $153, approximately $1650 off of original retail.
While $153 is quite a bit to spend, I had to think about the purchase in relative terms. Aside from saving $1650, I've found pieces that I would almost certainly not find in a thrift shop. The authenticity was guaranteed by a seller with perfect feedback and over one thousand sales. Also, $38.25 a sweater is even less than a Ralph cotton cable knit would cost at clearance.
Never underestimate the value of investment pieces, the staples of a wardrobe that might be hard to find but that one shouldn't do without.
Here's the entire lot. I can't wait for these to come in the mail.
What's your greatest eBay find?
Search thoroughly. Invest carefully.