Friday, May 14, 2010


I wish I had an article of greater substance to post today, but life has not quite returned to normal. I had final exams all week, I have a sinus infection, and a dear friend from school was murdered Monday.

Anyway... I'd love to post new photos but my camera's USB cable is missing in my house move. In the mean time, I'll continue posting some inspirational shots.

As much as I love layering with multiple colors and patterns, a simple outfit often works best. Here's essentially what I'm wearing this moment, except I've got on my favorite Johnston & Murphy brown tassel loafers and not flip-flops.

Lose inhibition. Enliven exhibition.


  1. I'm sorry to hear about your loss, my thoughts go out to the family of the departed.

    As a side note, I don't think flip flops have ever worked with pants. I don't think they ever will. I do like the yellow/navy combo, it kind of harkens back to the old nautica lines.

  2. Thank you, David.

    I think the only thing worse than flip flops with this or any look would be always-awful athletic shoes a la Jerry Seinfeld.

  3. Yeah, that is a bad one, especially the black leather tennis shoes that people somehow think they can pass off as dress shoes to wear with suits.
