Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Simple Traditions

I purchased this cotton twill sport coat at my store's final summer clearance in October. Though I've moved on to tweeds for the winter, this thing was perfect for the warm days and cool evenings through last month. Oh, and it cost me only $25. The Black Watch tie was an amazing eBay find for about $5, made in Scotland of Shetland wool.

The shirt and sweater are my most recent purchases, 75% off at Dillards on Black Friday. There's nothing like the classic pair of an oxford and crewneck sweater. Though pretty much every sweater of mine is a pima cotton v-neck or cotton cable knit (hence the blog title), I'm really enjoying my latest addition. The stitching is reminiscent of a sweatshirt, but its light weight makes it perfect for most of the year. Yet again I've forgotten a photo of my pants - classic Levi's 501's with rolled cuffs. These were paired with brown Johnston and Murphy tassel loafers (no socks).

What's your favorite traditional look?


  1. Favorite traditional? Surely OCBD with a rep tie, cardigan and tweed sc, along with some cords and suede chukka boots.

  2. Nice finds! That blackwatch tie is excellent.

    My traditional look is an OCBD, khakis, top siders, repp tie and a blazer. Yeah it's a bit prep school uniform, but it's comfortable.
