Monday, November 7, 2011

The Golf Sweater

An actual golf sweater that's anything but appropriate for golf.

Or the clubhouse.

Or even lunch at the club.

Or even mowing the lawn at the club. 

It's as if Brooks Brothers printed an old Atari graphic on to this thing, and I have a feeling the dapper golfer on the sweater wouldn't be caught dead ever wearing this sweater.

Seriously, the guy who wears this should have to yell "fore" before anyone has to look at him.

Time for holiday shopping! Look for new items to finally hit the CKC Shoppe in the coming weeks.


  1. It looks like the Bill Cosby Sweater Alliance attempted to publish a golfer's how-to illustration. Where did you find that thing? Yowza!

  2. I found it while searching eBay for Brooks sea island cotton sweaters.
