Friday, September 9, 2011

Can't Pass on These

From the thrift shop today and into the CKC Shoppe tomorrow (well... soon).

Any questions? Leave a comment.


  1. Great looking suits. Dare I ask the size of the grey flannel?

  2. Though nothing is listed inside the jacket, I'm quite sure it's a 38. I discovered another Hickey Freeman sport coat along with this one, which is marked 38. I'll be posting more photos today, in case you're interested in the other HF piece.

  3. I'm sure you're looking for 42xl or 42l for apes still, right?

    You need me to keep an eye out for anything for you? I've been starting to get out a little bit more and I can certainly make a mental note.

  4. Mister - I'm always on the hunt, but around here most everything I find is small and short. Yet to discover a 42XL, and the few 42L's I've found have been rather awful. Thanks for the offer! There's nothing in particular I want, but if you stumble upon any sort of Polo sweaters in an XXL I'd be quite interested.

    If I remember correctly, you're a 13B? Go through this post, , and check out all the Allen Edmonds (except the last pair). If there's a particular pair you like, they're yours!
