Monday, September 19, 2011

Seasonal Retirement

There comes a time each year to hide away all your cotton and linen ties. As temperatures hit the forties and fifties, I've come to realize that time has arrived.

 So I'll see you next spring, madras.
Goodbye for now, ginghams, paisleys and such.
Take care, tartans and plaids.

Okay, so this last group still has some play left before I make the rotation to wool, but I couldn't resist showing some of my favorite pieces.

What's your favorite summer tie?

Have a wonderful week!


  1. My favorite summer ties are my batch of madras, as well as a couple thinner cotton pieces.

    I'm not sure if it's against the "rules" (and don't really care if it is), but I rock the tartans all winter long, especially some of the thicker wool ones that I have. In fact, I'm wearing a black-watch plaid one right now... :)

  2. When winter rolls around, I simply switch out my cotton tartans for wool tartans. My favorite two happen to be Black Watch of different scales.
