Friday, June 11, 2010

Fifty In

Fiftieth Post. Fifty ties. Three dollars. Oh, how I love thrift shops.

Thanks to my few and loyal followers. Much more is soon to come.

Keep reading. Keep learning.


  1. Congratulations on your 50th post! It's been an excellent read so far and I look forward to what lies ahead.

    Nice finds on the ties as well. I think I found a couple that are almost _exactly_ the same (the Land's End) in my recent mega-batch. I've always thought you can never have too many ties (although my storage situation would argue).

    Cheers, again.

  2. You should open up an online store to sell your stuff. I'd buy!

  3. Incredible, simply incredible! Keep it up and your collection may soon resemble the Dukes. Congrats on the 50th post as well!

  4. Congrats on number 50, your blog has been very enjoyable. I love the orange check bow tie! A great collection of neck wear.

  5. I can't begin to tell you all how much I appreciate your feedback.

    Mister - For tie storage, I recommend the $3.99 tie racks at Target that hold 32 ties. They're steel with rubber covers and very sturdy.

    Alan - It's funny you mention that. I'm in the process of getting several hundred shirts, sport coats, ties, etc together to sell on eBay.

    David - Right now I'm holding steady at 256 ties, the number held by eight of the tie racks I mentioned above. I already 100+ to sell, and any other ties I get will be swapped out to maintain at 256. I've got to have some boundaries, right?

    James - I'll be sure to post when I build up the courage to wear it. The thing is enormous.

  6. Impressive. Most impressive. The cheapest I can ever find ties is $1 apiece, occasionally at 50% off. Congratulations on the great find.

  7. Jho78 - These were part of a monthly bag sale at my favorite thrift shop, so I was most fortunate to find so many great ties at once. All the other shops here sell for one dollar.

  8. Congrats on your 50th post!
    Great tie collection.
    Keep up the good work!

  9. Quite a bit behind the times with adding my comment to this particular post, but I am enjoying reading through your blog, which I discovered recently. Terribly envious of your 50 ties for $3 find. I've recently stumbled onto a neighborhood thrift shop across the street from one of our big hospitals in my smallish city and have loaded up on 21 new ties and about 28 silk pocket squares, plus a Harris tweed blazer and a mid-blue half-lined summer blazer, for rediculously low prices. It's amazing what people will let slip through their fingers!

    Best Regards. . .

  10. Prinz - Thanks for your very kind feedback. Congrats on your recent finds! I live in a small city with a history of excellent men's shops. Though only one remains in business, I'm fortunate to find pieces from those strores throughout the local thrift shops.
